Kim Kardashian West and Paris Hilton Attempt to Use the Dishwasher in Cooking With Paris on Netflix

In the latest episode of Cooking With Paris on Netflix, reality TV stars Kim Kardashian West and Paris Hilton team up to make a fluffy bacon frittata. The video, produced by Still Watching Netflix, showcases their culinary adventure as they navigate the kitchen and attempt to use the dishwasher. With Paris Hilton’s fun and quirky cooking style, this unique cooking show promises to be entertaining and full of surprises. Watch as they experiment with ingredients and share their thoughts and experiences along the way. Now available for streaming on Netflix, this episode is a must-watch for fans of both Kim Kardashian West and Paris Hilton.

Despite their initial concerns about the size of the bacon strips, the duo dives into the cooking process, humorously pondering whether they want such large chunks of bacon in their frittata. As they mix ingredients and add their own flair, the kitchen buzzes with laughter and friendly banter. From learning how to properly cut the bacon to questioning the usage of the dishwasher, Kim and Paris bring their unique personalities to the show, creating a lighthearted and enjoyable cooking experience. With delicious aromas filling the air and a fluffy frittata finally prepared, you’ll be left feeling inspired to try your hand at cooking and indulge in the joy of creating a delightful meal.

Kim Kardashian West and Paris Hilton Attempt to Use the Dishwasher in Cooking With Paris on Netflix


In the hilarious and entertaining episode of Cooking With Paris on Netflix, Kim Kardashian West and Paris Hilton embark on a culinary adventure to make a fluffy bacon frittata. As two iconic figures in pop culture, their personalities and dynamics in the kitchen make for an amusing and engaging watch. From discussing the size of the bacon strips to learning how to use the dishwasher, this episode is filled with funny moments and unexpected twists. Join Kim and Paris as they navigate their way through this cooking challenge and discover the joys of creating a delicious meal together.

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About the Show

Cooking With Paris is a unique cooking show hosted by the one and only Paris Hilton. With her anyone-can-cook attitude and glamorous flair, Paris brings her own unique spin to every dish she creates. The show is filled with lively energy, edible glitter bombs, and Paris’ infectious enthusiasm for cooking. As viewers, we get an inside look into Paris’ culinary world, where she fearlessly experiments and creates dishes that are both delicious and visually stunning.

Paris Hilton’s cooking style and attitude are a big part of what makes Cooking With Paris so enjoyable to watch. From her fashion-forward outfits to her playful and carefree approach to cooking, Paris brings a sense of humor and spontaneity to the kitchen. Her infectious laughter and positive attitude create a fun and inviting atmosphere, making viewers feel like they are cooking alongside her.

The Bacon Frittata Recipe

The episode centers around the creation of a bacon frittata, a simple yet versatile dish that combines fluffy eggs and crispy bacon. Paris and Kim set out to tackle this recipe together, but not without a few concerns and uncertainties along the way. One of the main focuses of their discussion is the size of the bacon strips and how they will impact the final texture and taste of the frittata.


As they examine the bacon strips, Kim expresses her concern about their size and whether they will create a chunky and overwhelming presence in the frittata. After realizing that the bacon is actually turkey bacon, they proceed to decide on a smaller size for the strips. Kim briefly steps away from the kitchen, leaving Paris in charge of cutting the bacon into smaller pieces. It is a moment of trust and teamwork as they rely on each other to ensure the bacon is prepared to their liking.

Adding the Eggs

Kim returns to the kitchen and hesitates to trust Paris with cooking the frittata. Paris playfully compares the experience to cooking with Kim’s daughter, North West, suggesting that it is just as fun. With Kim’s approval, Paris pours the eggs into the pan, ready to mix them with the bacon. This moment showcases their camaraderie and the joy they find in cooking together.

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Additional Ingredients

To enhance the flavor of the frittata, Paris and Kim decide to add a generous amount of Parmesan cheese. They playfully comment on the large quantity and debate whether it might be too much. This lighthearted discussion further highlights their friendship and shared cooking experience.

Cooking and Finishing the Frittata

Once the ingredients are combined, Paris transfers the frittata to the oven to allow it to cook to perfection. Both Kim and Paris express excitement and satisfaction with their cooking success. They discuss their plans to make frittatas in the future and how this newfound culinary skill will come in handy. As they wait for the frittata to cook, they set a timer and take a moment to clean up the kitchen.

Cleaning Up

A realization hits them that kitchens don’t clean themselves, prompting a discussion on whether to put everything in the dishwasher. They sort the dishes, separating the clean ones from the dirty ones. Kim and Paris also learn the importance of hand-washing delicate items, demonstrating their willingness to learn and adapt in the kitchen. They locate the trash can and finally turn on the dishwasher, completing their cleaning routine.


With the aroma of the finished frittata filling the kitchen, Kim and Paris indulge in the satisfaction of their cooking experience. They express their enjoyment of the dish and their pride in successfully navigating the challenges along the way. Their friendship and shared laughter make for an entertaining and heartwarming episode of Cooking With Paris. As the frittata garners their appetites, both Kim and Paris eagerly look forward to enjoying their delicious creation.