Admin kicks players out of a Roblox Hilton Hotel game

Me and upper got security jobs at the Hilton Hotels Group and so we’re gonna hop in a server there and then cause some trouble. Beep this girl right here, innocent girl, well she’s going underwater, oh she’s going away under there and just a little FYI because the Admins see are really strict, so if they catch us doing anything bad we’re probably gonna get fired and we’re gonna be poor. It’s a funny video that’s definitely worth watching, and a big thanks to Hilton Hotel for giving us security jobs. You can play the game at a provided location and the video’s intro was recorded at 5 am. Plus, there’s music by Kevin MacLeod available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. The content of the video revolves around two individuals who have security jobs at Hilton Hotels Group. They plan to cause trouble and go underwater, but the Admin sees their actions as strict and potentially fireable offenses. They abuse their power by throwing people into walls and even detain an admin, but they eventually get caught and kicked out of the game.

Video Overview

Video created by Jayingee

In this video, created by Jayingee, the viewers are in for a treat with some funny and entertaining content. The video revolves around a Roblox game called Hilton Hotel, and it is definitely worth watching for those looking for a good laugh.

Funny and worth watching

The video promises to bring a light-hearted and humorous experience to its viewers. Jayingee has a talent for creating engaging and enjoyable content, and this video is no exception. From the mischief caused by the players to the reactions of the characters in the game, the video is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish.

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Intro recorded at 5 am

It’s impressive and commendable that the intro to the video was recorded at 5 am. It shows Jayingee’s dedication to creating great content for his viewers. Despite the early hour, the video promises to be engaging and enjoyable, so don’t let the time of recording deter you from watching it.

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Jayingee has chosen to enhance the video with music by Kevin MacLeod. Kevin MacLeod’s music is known for its quality and suitability for various types of content. With his music accompanying the video, viewers can expect an even more immersive and enjoyable experience.

Game Context

Roblox Hilton Hotel game

The video focuses on a specific game within the Roblox platform – Hilton Hotel. As the name suggests, the game allows players to experience what it’s like to work in a hotel setting. From managing guests to ensuring safety and security, players have the opportunity to explore various job roles within the game.

Players got security jobs in the game

In this particular video, Jayingee and his partner, Upper, take on the role of security personnel in the Hilton Hotel game. This job entails maintaining order, ensuring the safety of guests, and upholding the rules of the hotel. However, the players in the video have other plans in mind.

Admin’s perspective on players’ actions

From the perspective of the game’s administrator(s), the actions of the players can be seen as misconduct. This includes handcuffing and trolling other players, abusing their power to throw people into walls, instigating fights, and even detaining an admin. Such actions disrupt the intended gameplay and can lead to a negative experience for other players.

Players’ Misconduct

Players handcuffing and trolling others

Instead of fulfilling their roles as security personnel responsibly, the players in the video engage in misconduct by handcuffing and trolling other players. This behavior not only disrupts the intended gameplay but also creates an unfavorable environment for others trying to enjoy the game.

Abusing power and throwing people into walls

The players take their misuse of power to another level by throwing people into walls. This type of behavior not only goes against the rules of the game but can also be seen as a form of harassment. It is important to remember that respecting other players and their experiences is crucial in creating a positive gaming environment.

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Trying to instigate a fight between two ladies

In an attempt to cause chaos and mischief, the players in the video try to instigate a fight between two ladies within the game. This kind of behavior not only disrupts the gameplay but is also disrespectful to the players involved. It is important to remember that creating a harmonious and inclusive gaming environment is essential for everyone’s enjoyment.

Detaining an admin

The players take their misconduct a step further by detaining an admin within the game. This not only goes against the rules and guidelines of the game but is also a form of disrespect towards the administrators who work hard to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay for all players.

Exploring the hotel and causing chaos

The players explore various areas within the hotel and cause chaos along the way. This includes finding a room with pee in the toilet and even putting people in the fire. Such actions not only disrupt the intended gameplay but also create a negative and chaotic experience for other players.

Multiple Jobs on Roblox

Players mentioning working multiple jobs

During the course of the video, the players mention working multiple jobs within the Roblox platform. This highlights the versatility and variety of job opportunities available within the game. It allows players to explore different roles and experiences, adding depth and excitement to their gameplay.

Advantages and disadvantages of having multiple jobs on Roblox

Having multiple jobs within the Roblox platform can have both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, it allows players to experience a wider range of gameplay and immerse themselves in various virtual professions. On the other hand, juggling multiple jobs can be challenging and time-consuming. It is important for players to find a balance that works for them and allows them to enjoy their gaming experience to the fullest.

Changing Usernames

Players changing usernames to avoid getting kicked

The players in the video mention changing their usernames in order to avoid getting kicked from the game by the admins. While this may be a strategy some players employ, it is important to consider the ethics and effectiveness of such actions.

Effectiveness and ethics of changing usernames

Changing usernames may provide a temporary workaround to avoid consequences within a game. However, it is important to note that changing usernames does not address the underlying behavior that led to the need for a username change in the first place. Additionally, repeatedly changing usernames to escape accountability may not be seen as ethical by other players or admins.

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Admin Intervention

Admin catching the players again

Despite the players’ attempts to avoid getting caught, the video shows that the admin eventually catches up to them. Admins play a crucial role in maintaining order and ensuring fair gameplay within online communities. In this case, the admin’s role is to address the players’ misconduct and take necessary action.

Admin’s role in maintaining order

Admins have the responsibility of enforcing the rules and regulations within the game. They play a crucial role in maintaining order and ensuring that all players can enjoy a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. Without admins, games can easily devolve into chaos and negativity.

Admin’s actions leading to players’ removal

As a result of the players’ misconduct, the admin takes action and ultimately removes them from the game. This is a consequence of their behavior and serves as a reminder that actions have consequences, even in virtual environments. It is important for players to understand and respect the rules set forth by the game and its administrators.

Implications of Removal

Consequences for the players

Being kicked or removed from a game can have various consequences for players. In the case of the players in the video, they are unable to continue their mischief and may face limitations in their ability to access certain features or play with other players. This serves as a lesson that inappropriate behavior within a game can lead to negative consequences.

Lessons learned from being kicked from the game

Being removed from a game can serve as a valuable learning experience for players. It allows them to reflect on their actions and understand the impact they had on others. It also highlights the importance of respecting the rules and guidelines set forth by the game developers and administrators.

Reflection on the players’ behavior

The removal from the game prompts the players to reflect on their behavior and the impact it had on the game and other players. This reflection is crucial in fostering personal growth and ensuring that similar misconduct is not repeated in the future. It serves as a reminder to approach gaming with respect and responsibility.

Acknowledging Hilton Hotel

Appreciation for Hilton Hotel providing security jobs

The players express their appreciation to Hilton Hotel for providing security job opportunities within the game. Job opportunities within virtual environments can provide players with a sense of purpose and immersion. They allow players to explore different roles and experiences, adding depth to the gameplay.

Importance of in-game job opportunities

In-game job opportunities, such as the security jobs in Hilton Hotel, are important as they add realism and variety to the gameplay experience. They allow players to engage in tasks and responsibilities similar to those found in real-life jobs. This adds depth and immersion to the game, making it more enjoyable for players.


Final thoughts on the video and its content

In conclusion, the video created by Jayingee offers a funny and entertaining glimpse into players’ misconduct within the Roblox Hilton Hotel game. The video showcases the players’ actions, the admin’s perspective on their behavior, and the eventual consequences they face. It serves as a reminder to approach gaming with respect and responsibility.

Overall impact of the players’ actions and removal

The players’ actions within the game had a negative impact on gameplay, disrupting the experience for other players and violating the rules set forth by the admins. Their removal from the game serves as a consequence for their misconduct and highlights the importance of maintaining order and respect within online gaming communities.